Daniel Alexander
Greetings Family, Friends, and My Village,
As many of you already know, as a child I was in the foster care system in Philadelphia, PA. At seven (7) years old I was adopted and relocated to Charlotte, NC with my adoptive family. I met with many obstacles and challenges which I overcame and conquered. These experiences helped make me more determined to achieve my educational and life goals. On October 24th, 2023 I achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in Mecklenburg County Council Boy Scouts of America.
In my senior year at West Mecklenburg High School, I found myself becoming very excited to be a part of the Alpha Phi Alpha B.E.A.M Foundation Beautillion. As a Beau, I have participated in multiple workshops and educational sessions which will help me become a better student in college and a better man to society. I would say my leadership skills have improved since I started with the Alpha Phi Alpha program. I plan to first attend Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) then later transfer to University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC). I will major or minor in both Commercial and Residential Structural Engineering. When I graduate from UNCC, Structural Engineering will be my chosen career path because I love building and designing.
The Beautillion workshops taught me how to prepare for college applications and the admissions process, how to create a personal brand, the importance of fundraising for my scholarship fund, drug and alcohol awareness, how to critically think about my life, how to focus on my mental well-being, public speaking strategies, leadership skills, and my role as a law-abiding citizen. The men of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. also serve as mentors, role models, and continually encourage and push me to be the best person I can possibly be.
My Beautillion year will culminate with the 2024 Beautillion Scholarship Gala on Sunday, May 19th. The gala will be held from 6:00-9:00 pm. For more information and to purchase tickets or tables, visit Eventbrite: 2024 Beautillion Scholarship Gala by B.E.A.M. Foundation. Thank you for your support as a part of my village! I appreciate you!